There are somethings that are on my "someday when" list...that list that you really hope will happen, but you are just not sure it really will. One of my top things was to "someday have work for sale in a gallery". I'm so excited to report that last week the "Galerie" in Pella opened its doors and I am one of the featured artists. I signed my name to the gallery wall and watched as my work was hung all over the gallery. She accepted my tulip photography, a watercolor piece and over 10 acrylic paintings. Tulip Time was this weekend so the gallery was swamped. Several pieces sold so I couldn't be more pleased! The really double cool thing about this gallery is that it happens to be located in the same store front that was the scrapbook/stamping store I taught at for years. There is now a new scrapbook store in town (owned by uber-talented Gail) located on a different side of the square. It just seems so fitting to have more of my work in this space. I've displayed layouts and projects here for years, and now that I'm taking my "next steps" into more fine art work, I have the opportunity to share it here as well. I couldn't have done it without the help of my friends and family-THANKS!

Photography Copyright 2006 Melynda Van Zee
I couldn't post without adding some quick shots from the weekend. Tulip Time is one of my favorite times of the year for taking photos. My hubby even volunteered to put on his costume and scrub streets this year :) It's taken me a few days to recover, but I'm glad to report I have all the costumes washed and hung away for another year. Yah!

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