The first ever Red Rock Arts Alliance Studio Tour will be held this Saturday from 10-4. I will be at the Galerie of Pella talking about my work- I'm planning on bringing along paint, gels, tools, and works in progress. Come with your questions or simply come to soak up all of the beautiful art featured in the Galerie. I'd love to have you stop in for a chat-actually I'm kind of jealous I have to stay in one spot and can't travel around to the other studio's to see what is going on. There are several sites in Knoxville and even artists available at the Tassel Ridge Winery.
Other things I'm consumed with right now...
A watercolor concept piece I'm working on as contribution to our church's "Wonder Wall". The Wonder Wall is a place for artists, writers, photographers, any artists to bring art to church that explores a recent "Ah-ha" moment or a time you were struck by the beauty of God in daily life. Can't wait until it all comes together.
I'm scrapbooking again...I've been in a hiatus of sorts the last few weeks. Been exploring more with paint and an art journal, but today I started putting photos and painted paper and stickers and fiber and journaling together-on one page. WOW-what a rush! I remembered all over again why I love to scrapbook-the powerful combination of word, photo and paint-it can take my breath away-especially when it brings me right back to the place and time I am scrapbooking about. I relived the moment in the garden in Hawaii-taking photographs with my eldest son-walking through the beds of hibiscus flowers-the dretched in color blooms, the fragrance, the sharing it with him and watching him photograph the experience. Giving him the camera and watching as he "really saw" and "really experienced" the place with me through the lens of the camera. I watched as he "got it" as he went from flower to flower consumed with getting it on film. I knew then that just a little bit of me had broken through-I had "corrupted him" as only a mother can-a bit of my love of art and seeing breaking through to my linear thinking, football loving, math guru son.
His award winning shot titled "Hibiscus & Bee"