There seems to be a lot of talk about passion lately...
*Cultivate passion
*Live with Passion
*There is something so exhibitionist in honest passions-that it dances in the daylight.
Quotes— people writing about passion— people talking about passion—scrapbooking with passion!?!
What does it mean to you? What does it mean to Scrapbook with Passion??? Let me know what YOU think?

Wanna know what I'm passionate about TODAY?!?
*my family: being the best mom and wife I can be
*my friends: check out the new photos Brenda & I took together- do we look like we are ready for Vegas or WHAT?!?

*my book: I will finish...I will finish...I will finish...Dec. 15 is the deadline-I'm on the homestretch, but...there is still SO much to do.
*my art: today I took time away from writing (ssshhhh! I met my personal goal for the day, but then I took time to create.) I'm finding I get grumpy and out of whack if I don't play with my paint or my photos for too long and it has been tooo long. Today, I played with my Twinkling H2O's and Polished Pigments-can I say WOW! double WOW! I mean I know I love these paints, but I just fell in love today all over again. Everytime I get them out and play I think-I'm not really the type of gal who really likes all that shimmer and glimmer and then I see the way the light plays off a finished piece and I am a sucker all over again. I really can't get enough.
*gratitude: I'm just overwhelmed. We spent the Thanksgiving weekend surrounded by family. We celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with my husband's side of the family this weekend. Every other year we "do Christmas" at Thanksgiving time. My son had great fun telling his entire school class that HE was going to open presents over the weekend. We spent Thanksgiving morning in church-the best place to be to ponder all our blessings. There was a time when we could bring our offerings to the front-be that money or food donations for the food bank or a leaf to hang on the "tree" listing what we were thankful for. I sat in my chair and watched my three sons walk to the front and hang a leaf for each member of our family. I watched as my friends and their families added more leaves to the tree. I found tears coming to my eyes as I pondered just how much I have to be thankful for right now-it's too big...and I'm passionate about that...passionate about all the blessings in my life...passionate about the people in my life...and thankful that I can process it all in my scrapbooks...I don't want to forget the good things...I want to think about them...I want to dwell on them...